

We classify the needs of ships as Domestic Market and Transit products within a wide product range and find the desired product, quality and the most affordable prices. For products that cannot be provided in our country, equivalents are sought, priced and the approval of the Captain and the company is obtained.


After approval, in order to provide the highest quality products possible and to determine the most appropriate time to provide fresh fruits, vegetables and products with short consumption dates, Ais devices monitor the ships moment by moment through key sites and in contact with the ship's Captain and access the best ETAs of the ships. we reach.

Purchase and storage

Since Çanakkale city constitutes a transit point for all major cities of Turkey, it gives us the advantage of reaching a wide range of products in a short time. The products with the longest expiration date of the products that are not in our warehouses and fresh fruits and vegetables are provided daily on the ETA day. After these products arrive at our warehouses, they are examined one by one by our staff and placed in our company's special boxes with their own packaging. Until the day and time of delivery, these products are stored under the environment and conditions they need and presented to our customers with the highest quality.


In the Dardanelles (Dardanell), all contacts are made with the ships moving at a speed of 6-7 knots.

Our experienced and punctual staff, in constant communication with VTS operators and Pilot Captains, carries out deliveries under control and within the regulations, with the necessary packaged products, without keeping the ships waiting at the specified interval. (40 00'59.32"N - 26 13'43.72"E south meeting point and 40 07'31.26"N - 26 21'41.65"E north meeting point). We are sure that thanks to our services that ships can receive without having to stop, ship operators and ship We save a significant amount of time for our captains. In addition, we can provide service to the ports within the borders of Çanakkale and, when necessary, all over Turkey, with our well-equipped land vehicles.